
Metroidvania Controller Setup

Daniel Osanz Metroidvania Controller Setup

Interaction System

Antarsoft Unity 2D RPG Tutorial 5 - Interaction System - Collidables & Interaction (inheritance)

Pause Menu

BMo 6 Minute PAUSE MENU Unity Tutorial

Inventory System 

Sunny Valley Studio Project setup - Inventory System in Unity P2

All the art besides the player and enemies was made by me and I made the enemy AI on my own.


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If the game doesn't fit on your screen then press ctrl - a couple times

Your sword has many stats:

  1. Damage (Damage is self-explanatory)
  2. Defense (Defense gives you percent a chance of not taking damage when getting hit. The max possible defense is 100 and at 100 you will have a 20% of not taking damage)
  3. Speed (Speed changes the cooldown of your attack. Speed is calculated on a curve so having some speed is very important, but as you increase your speed you get diminishing returns)
  4. Reach (Reach changes how far away you can hit your enemies)

All of these depend on the sword parts that you equip. The stats are not explicitly told to the player, but they are hinted at in their descriptions.

Campfires set your spawnpoint and heal you. They also allow you to change your sword.

Find chests to collect more sword parts.

(1 edit)



  1. A and D for left and right
  2. Shift for dash
  3. Space for jump. If you hold the space bar you will jump higher


S for attack

Pause Game

Tab to open pause menu